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2019年05月09日 10:04  点击:[]

职 称:讲师

邮 箱:chengsheng@usts.edu.cn



2017 – 2022 中国台湾地区政治大学心理学博士

2016 – 2017 美国明尼苏达大学人力资源发展硕士

2015 – 2017 中国台湾地区元智大学领导研究所硕士

2011 – 2015 中国台湾地区元智大学企业管理学士


1.Cheng, Sheng, Kuo, Chien-Chih, Chen, Huai-Chieh, & Lin, Mei-Chi. (2022). The impact of perceived organizational care on employee engagement.Journal of Career Development.

2.Cheng, Sheng*, Kuo, Chien-Chih., Chen, Huai-Chieh., Lin, Mei-Chi, & Kuo, Vincent. (2022). The impact of workplace gossip on employee mental health: A moderated mediation model of psychological capital and developmental job experience.Frontiers in Public Health, 881.

3.Wu, Chih‐Ying, Kuo, Chien-Chih, Lin, Chia-Wu, Hu,Wan‐Hsien, Wu, Chia‐Yen, & Cheng, Sheng. (2020). How does benevolent leadership lead to work–family enrichment? The mediating role of positive group affective tone.Stress and Health,36(4), 496-506.

4.Chang, Kirk, Kuo, Chien-Chih, & Cheng, Sheng. (2022). Should manager listen to their subordinates: Does it matter?International Journal of Listening.



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